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  • babonds15

Have Penitence With God

Psalms 46:10

I don’t know about y’all, but I struggle with patience. I know God has a plan, and he’s taking care of everything, yet I still worry and wonder why certain things haven’t happened yet. I have to remind myself that God does things for us on his time and not ours; he knows when we are ready to take that next step or receive that next thing he has planned for us; Isaiah 60:22 says, “I am the Lord; at the right moment, I will hurry it along.” As I discussed in my last post, he has it all planned out.

I think in today’s society it is so easy for us to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. With social media playing such a big role in our lives; we are constantly aware of our peers’ milestones and major life events. We might find ourselves asking, why hasn’t that happened to or for me yet? Am I behind everyone? That is okay. Recently, I saw a Facebook post that mentioned instead of saying NEVER say NOT YET. I feel that that is a very good way to look at things.

Growing up with Cerebral Palsy, I was behind in a lot of things. Simple things like being able to put my shoes on, shaving, or getting my driver’s license. However, looking back, those little things did not matter in the grand scheme of things. I just gained an appreciation for hard work and perseverance these things did not stop me from graduating 3rd in my high school class, earning two undergraduate degrees, and having the opportunity to earn a master’s degree from Clemson University.

The truth is, people don’t understand what you have been through, how far you might have come, or the effort you have put in to get to where you are, so do not compare yourself to others. Take pride in the things you’ve been able to accomplish thus far. There is a lot to life, and there is no true timeline; it’s okay to be a little behind. This year try saying “not yet” instead of “never”. At the end of the day, God has our backs; we just have to be still, have a little patience, and wait sometimes.

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