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  • babonds15

Sometimes It's The Small Things

My buddies have always given me a hard time about smiling. They ask, “Why’re you always smiling?” I would always say that most of the time I do not have a reason not to smile. One night, I was out at a local bar, and a guy, who is now a good friend of mine decided to come up to me and started a conversation. He said, “Hey, I just wanted to tell you I always see you around campus, and you’re always smiling; If I’m having a bad day and see you smiling, it makes me feel better.” That has always stuck with me; something as simple as a smile can make a difference.

Sharing my testimony is new for me. When I would talk to friends about possibly doing it, they would say things like, “at least you have something to share, I’ve never really been through anything.” That would always bother me, because everyone has been through something that others might be able to relate to. God uses us all in someway to show him to others. throughout his word we see that he uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. One of my favorites is the story of David and Goliath in 1Samuel:17. God could’ve chosen anyone to take on the powerful Philistine warrior, any of David’s brothers even, but no he chose the small shepherd boy, who with faith and a rock, won the battle.

You never know what someone might be going through. A simple gesture of kindness like a smile or saying hello to someone in passing that you would not normally speak to, could make a big difference. Do not underestimate the value of the small things.

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