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  • babonds15

Stop Standing On The Sidelines of Life

I had a conversation with my sister recently where I told her I felt like I really wasn’t good at much. However, I decided one thing I am good at is trying things. Growing up my parents always let me participate in things other kids did. Even though I probably wouldn’t excel at a lot of it. They let me try it. I did karate, wrestled, played baseball, golfed, tried guitar, played drums in the marching band, and showed pigs. I got to experience a little bit of everything. I see too many people sitting on the sidelines of life, and I think it needs to change.

I have always tried to keep my positive attitude for trying things. In college, it got to the point where my friends expected me to do what they were doing. They didn’t care about the disability; they made it happen. if I was unsure about doing something, most of the time they could push me out of my comfort zone and talk me into giving it a shot. Trying something (within reason) just for the sake of saying I had experienced it has kind of become my thing. If I see somebody off to the side not enjoying something, especially a more able bodied person, I am going to encourage them to participate. Usually it goes something like “Well, If I can do it, you can.”

My advice is if there is something you want to do that looks fun or you’ve just always wanted to try it, go for it. I do not condone anything illegal or life threatening, but life is short you might as well do all that you can. My two biggest hobbies are playing guitar, which I started at 19, and turkey hunting, which I started at 20. I wouldn’t consider myself good at either one, but I enjoy both. If you enjoy it and it makes you happy, that is all that matters. There will be haters; there always are. Some people take for granted the things they have had the opportunity to do their entire life; that’s okay. Don’t let it stop you. Stop standing on the sidelines.

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